Annual Flower Trials at Bluegrass Lane, Ithaca, New York
We recognize awards for the following categories:
- Best Overall - Recognizes the top performing plants of the season.
- Best in Category - Recognizes the best performing plants within individual categories.
"Best Overall"
This class recognizes the top ten performing plants of the season.
#1 Coleus Spitfire by Proven Winners
#2 Pennisetum Graceful Grasses Vertigo by Proven Winners
#3 Petunia Cascadias Noble Blue by Danziger Flower Farm
#4 Cleome Senorita Rosalita by Proven Winners
#5 Cyperus Graceful Grasses Baby Tut by Proven Winners
#6 Salvia Velocity Blue by Syngenta
#7 Pennisetum Fireworks by Proven Winners
#8 Ipomoea Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Red by Proven Winners
#9 Ageratum Patina Purple 10 by Syngenta
#10 Ipomoea Sweet Caroline Light Green by Proven Winners
#11 Cyperus Graceful Grasses King Tut by Proven Winners
#12 Petunia Littletunia Sweet Pink by Danziger Flower Farm
#13 Zinnia Zahara Yellow by PanAmerican Seed
"Best in Category" 
This class recognizes the best performing plants within individual categories. The categories include:
Best Angelonia Angelonia Carita Raspberry by Syngenta
Best Calibrachoa Calibrachoa Superbells Lavender by Proven Winners
Best Coleus Coleus Spitfire by Proven Winners
Best Geranium (Interspecific) Geranium (Interspecific) Caliente Orange by Syngenta
Best Geranium (Zonal) (it's a tie) Geranium (Zonal) Rocky Mountain Magenta by Syngenta 
Best Geranium (Zonal) (it's a tie) Geranium (Zonal) Rocky Mountain Pink by Syngenta
Best Ipomoea Ipomoea Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Red by Proven Winners
Best Lantana Lantana Bandana Trailing Gold by Syngenta 
Best Lobelia (it's a tie) Lobelia Techno Heat Upright Dark Blue by Syngenta 
Best Lobelia (it's a tie) Lobelia Techno Heat Upright Light Blue by Syngenta 
Best Nemesia (it's a tie) Nemesia Aromatica Royal Blue by Ball FloraPlant
Best Nemesia (it's a tie) Nemesia Sunsatia Cranberry Imp by Proven Winners
Best Petunia Petunia Cascadias Noble Blue by Danziger Flower Farm
Best Verbena Verbena Superbena Royale Chambray by 
Best Vinca (it'sa tie) Vinca Titan Apricot by PanAmerican Seed
Best Vinca (it'sa tie) Vinca Titan Dark Red by PanAmerican Seed
Best Zinnia Zinnia Zahara Yellow by PanAmerican Seed